Saturday, 28 September 2013

My Inspiration Of Birdology Oops.. Ornithology

                My inspiration of ornithology are my birds Max and Peaches .
                  Before that even if the rarest bird would come near me I would
              not care about seeing the bird. But now I always keep a watch on
                    birds flying in the skies

Friday, 27 September 2013

What are Birds????

               Some of  you  reading this blog may have birds as pets at your house. So
                  you must know what are birds . But you may want to know what are birds exactly.
                     Even I have birds named Max and Peaches. Even I went searching about
                     birds. But I collected the information for you. so lets start ........

                Birds are warm blooded , bipedal ( a posh word for walking on two legs) , feathered
                    egg laying animals.  They are relatives of dinosaurs !!!!!!!! true but difficult to believe.

                               Other details I will explain in the next posts.


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Why Did I make Birds 4 U ?????

Birds are such fascinating animals
that you get carried away
by their voice,colours and feathers.
Even I got carried away that is why
I am writing this blog.